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- Benzocainn Local Anaesthetic Raw Powder CAS 94-09-7
Benzocainn Local Anaesthetic Raw Powder CAS 94-09-7
نشر بتاريخ 2024-05-15 3:25 AM
l Product name Benzocaine CAS NO. 94-09-7 Molecular Formula C9H11NO2 EINECS: 202-303-5 MW 165.19 Appearance White Powder Purity 99% It is a local anesthetic, used for the pain relief of wounds, ulcers and hemorrhoids. It is also an intermediate of cough antitussive medicine. Used for cosmetics ultraviolet absorption, local anesthetic, used for wound, ulcer and hemorrhoids pain relief Contact me. I will reply to you asap! Whatsapp/wechat+8619831381159 TELEGRAM:@irishuang123 Emailsales2@whhoyan.com