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Hot Sale ProductIf Delivery time: shipped within 24 hours Purity: 99.99% Warehouse: US warehouse Samples can be provided and you can test them at will. The quality will not let you down and it is 100% safe deliver kindly (...)
NameIodobenzene CAS Number:591-50-4 Molecular Weight:204.008 Molecular Formula:C6H5I Iodobenzene Benzene,iodo Contact us: WhatsApp:+8613387630955 Signal:+8613387630955 VIPole:cathysales06 Telegram:cathysales06 Threema:XA (...)
Ethanone, 2-bromo-1-(4-methylphenyl)- 2-bromo-4-methylacetophenone 2-Bromo-1-(4-methylphenyl)ethanone Acetophenone, 2-bromo-4-methyl-
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